- The alliance moves forward into the material science to research, develop and qualify advanced innovative 3D printed propulsion devices for EU space sector with high-quality standards.
- PANGEA develops new generation of propulsion solutions collaborating with AENIUM expertise qualifying complex additive manufactured solutions for the space sector.
- The two organisations have the exclusive capabilities on GRCop 42 in Europe. The agreement allows them to use, develop and commercialize GRCop 42 based propulsion systems for the European aerospace market, using additive manufacturing and complex post-processing.
- Additive manufactured NASA – GRCop 42 demonstrated superior thermo-mechanical properties like no other on those applications with a harsh environment.

The agreement formalized between both companies ensures a breakthrough in engineering complex combustion devices and drives the analysis of different types of advanced super alloys so far untreated for the most demanding applications within the space sector.
Aenium sincerely thank all the time and effort invested in achieving this milestone to Powder Alloy Corporation (PAC) and NASA, which for all of us represents a new step on the road to the future in the aerospace sector through the most advanced material science and additive manufacturing. Your support for our new venture certainly contributed to the new R&D roadmap in the EU market.
In the same way, Aenium wants to convey its gratefulness to RMS company for its commercial network in the genesis of this development.